What needs to be done?

The solution was and still is clear; as animal rights defenders, we have repeated it many times, we have expressed it everywhere. However, those who do not bother to read or listen insistently call all people who stand for the right to life, who only want animals not to die, irrational ...

What needs to be done?


The solution was and still is clear; as animal rights defenders, we have repeated it many times, we have expressed it everywhere. However, those who did not bother to read or listen insistently accused all people who stand for the right to life, who only want animals not to die, of being irrational, of "worshipping dogs", of being too sensitive; as if the whole of Turkey had not seen the fate of the black dog in Konya.

The concentration of animals in a concentration camp under the name of a natural habitat will bring nothing but death and disease, and no local government will be able to cope with the consequences of this situation. The slaughter will spread in waves, and you cannot impose this result on this society, which has a very different culture from the European culture that has normalized cruelty to animals.

That's why we are sharing again the few steps of the solution, which is actually so simple. We ask everyone to send it to those around them, to tell them that death is neither the solution nor the way things should be.

What has not been done for 20 years, what needs to be done:

  1. Municipalities should sterilize in accordance with surgical principles.

  2. Municipalities should work in coordination with volunteers.

  3. Animal production must stop. Production farms should be closed and the sale of all animals in pet shops should be banned.

  4. The sale of animals on the internet should be prevented, and under the stairs production should be fought.

  5. Children and adults should be educated about animal rights and how to approach animals.

  6. Perpetrators should be given deterrent penalties and protective and preventive activities should be carried out.

  7. Feeding centers and kennels should be built with volunteers at designated points.

  8. Municipalities should not be subjected to investigations, and public employees who violate animal rights should be punished. The fines should come out of the public employee's pocket, not the municipality's budget.

Most of these are already among the duties of the municipality in the Animal Protection Law. Now, animals are being killed because of public institutions that have not been doing their job for years, who run away from their duties at every opportunity and are not prosecuted for this, and at this point, it is thought that the solution is to kill!

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